Netmore to Hook Up Yorkshire Water Meters to LoRaWAN Wireless Network

Global network operator Netmore has signed a contract with Yorkshire Water in England that aims to upgrade and connect 1.3 million water meters across the Yorkshire region (i.e. those that are reaching the end of their operation life) to their Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN).

Fixed wireless LoRa networks harness only a small slice of lower frequency radio spectrum (usually in one of the sub-1GHz bands like 868MHz or 915MHz) in order to support relatively slow, but extremely low power, data connections over a wide coverage area. Such networks tend to run at sub-Megabit speeds (often under 0.05Mbps, but some variants can handle several Megabits), which makes them ideal for linking Internet of Things (IoT) style sensors.

The new Netmore contract, which is still subject to Ofwat’s final determination (due in December 2024), will run for an initial term of 5 years, plus data services for the meters installed up to 2045 (this includes the delivery, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of connected smart meters).

This new program will run concurrently with smart meter deployments that began in 2022 when Netmore was awarded AMI frameworks by Yorkshire Water for the delivery of LoRaWAN network services and provisioning of meters for up to 360k households, including new developments and Domestic Metered Optants.

Adam Smith, Manager of Smart Networks and Metering Transformation, YWS, said:

“The initial smart metering program with Netmore launched in 2022 has helped Yorkshire Water deliver the first 500,000 litres of leakage reduction, by identifying water leakage on customers pipes. It has also helped us to better understand water demand patterns in our initial 25,000 Netmore smart meters and target water efficiency activity, all while delivering both operational value and the long-term perspective needed for the expansion of our [advanced meter infrastructure] initiatives.

Following a rigorous evaluation process and procurement analysis, we are confident in the choice of Netmore and its partners for our meter exchange program, as they collectively have the ability to help us deliver our ambitious goals and success criteria related to leakage, water efficiency, customer experience, and operational carbon emissions.”

Morrison Water Services, under contract with Netmore, will now plan, schedule and work with household and non-household customers to deliver the exchange of the meter. The program is expected to begin in South Yorkshire in 2025.

Broadband ISP Connexin has separately won a number of similar contracts to hook up water meters in various regions to their own LoRA wireless network, one of which is also Yorkshire Water.

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