German fibre coverage hits 36%


The Federal Association of Broadband Communication (BREKO) has released an analysis of the German broadband market showing significant progress 

According to the report from BREKO, at the end of June there was 35.6% fibre coverage in Germany, up from 26% at the same time last year. This puts the country well on track to reach the government’s goals of delivering fibre connectivity to half of Germany by 2025, and the whole of Germany by 2030 

In 2022, companies invested over €13.1 billion in broadband network infrastructure.Of this total, €8.4 billion was invested by companies other than Telekom Deutschland, the country’s largest fixed broadband provider, arguably demonstrating the fibre market’s healthy competition and rapidly increase diversity 

“With investments of more than eight billion euros, Telekom 2022’s competitors have made a clear commitment to nationwide network expansion and to Germany as a business location,”aid Norbert Westfal, Management Spokesman at EWE Tel.  

“Despite numerous challenges, the industry is still well on the way to achieving the federal government’s goals,” s“In order to keep up the current pace, however, we need optimal framework conditions for the strong commercial fiber optic expansion.” 

But despite this booming investment environment, the report notes some significant hurdles that could prevent the achievement of these goals, such as the acute shortage of skilled workers and long approval processes. The report also notes tactical overbuilding in more than 220 municipalities – mostly by Telekom Deutschland – which BREKO argues is stifling competition, leading altnets to slow or even cancel their rollout plans. 

Despite being Europe’s biggest economy, Germany is lagging behind its European neighbours in its fibre rollout. According to a report earlier this year by FTTH Council Europe, Germany had a fibre penetration rate of just 7%, compared to world-leading countries such as the UAE, which already has 98.1%. 

To keep up with the conversation on Germany’s fibre rollout, join us at this year’s Connected Germany, 5-6th December 

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