FCS Comms Provider – Preparing for the All-IP Future – 25th November 2021

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When – 25th November
Time – 1.00 – 4.00pm
Where – Virtual Conference
Subject – “Preparing for the All-IP Future”

This year’s FCS Comms Provider is a ‘must attend’ event for our CP members who wish to understand more as they consider key aspects of the industry move towards an All-IP world and the impact on their own business model. The opportunity for members to hear from top-level speakers, providing real ‘big picture’ perspectives, is unique amongst trade bodies in the industry.

Our agenda is structured into the three sessions detailed below.

Regulatory Environment in the All IP World
The first section of our FCS Comms Provider event focuses on the Regulation and Legal environment in the new All-IP world.
There are many changes for Communication Providers such as the new EECC regulatory requirements, which include major changes to Fixed Voice and Broadband switching. There are still many unanswered questions, such as what will happen in the business market with regards to switching, now that Ofcom have announced the switching regulation change is for residential consumers only. This will still impact the business market, and resellers will need to understand those impacts. We will have speakers from Ofcom and the OTA discussing some of the key new regulations in this section of the event agenda.

We also have a new Telecoms Security Bill going through parliament,  which will impact our members and we have Will Jones from the DCMS discussing the bill and Danny Preiskel from Prieskels & Co to talk about the Legal impacts on our members.

Confirmed speakers:
• Brian Potterill and Elisa Pruvost, Ofcom  • William Jones, DCMS
• David Halliday, OTA2  • Danny Preiskel, Preiskel & Co

For more information on our speakers, please click here.

All IP Building Blocks
The second section of our event agenda focusses on the infrastructure building blocks CPs will need to move to All-IP. We have presentations from Openreach, BT Enterprise, Gamma and DWS. This section will focus on what these operators are offering and what challenges they envisage in the move to all IP.

Confirmed speakers:
• James Lilley, Openreach  • Steve Blackshaw, BT Wholesale  • Lee Turner, Gamma
• Alex Mawson, DWS  • Matt Walker, City Fibre

For more information on our speakers, please click here.

The All IP Future
The final section of our event agenda explores a strategic view of the future of the All-IP world and key aspects that members need to consider.

We will examine our FCS All-IP ‘White Paper’ and discuss the different ideas around numbering/porting and switching, together with the key governance requirements. We have strategic presentations from OTA2, VX Fiber and Cartesian as well as FCS leads.

Confirmed speakers:
• Richard Watts, VX Fiber  • Dave Dadds and Martyn King, FCS  • Michael Dargue, Cartesian

For more information on our speakers, please click here.

The event will run from 1pm – 4pm  |  This event is FREE to attend

UKFCF – Gigabit Event – 15th November 2021

Book a Place – Eventbrite Ticket

The UKFCF is excited for its first face-to-face event of 2021

When – Monday 15th November
Time – 1.30pm
Where – Grant Thornton, Finsbury Square
Subject – “Project Gigabit”

The UKFCF is back with its first face-to-face event of 2021, discussing the subject “Project Gigabit” at Grant Thornton on Monday 15th November, starting 1.30pm.

Join others in discussing the massive £5bn “Project Gigabit” government scheme that saw phase 1 start earlier this year. You can start the discussion now online via #UKFCF15

We have an exciting range of speakers from both the public and private sector together with an excellent opportunity for networking to round off the afternoon.

The event will be hosted by Grant Thornton and places are very limited, making early booking essential.

Once all of the details are finalised, places can be reserved through Eventbrite and price of admittance is £25 per person.

A representative from each individual public sector organisation will have free admission.

Speakers are tbc

ℹ If you have any questions we’d be happy to help answer them
.e info@ukfcf.org.uk

🙏 Share your plans to attend using hashtag #UKFCF15

#FullFibre #5G #UK #FTTP #FTTH #conference #networks #connectivity #digital #broadband #internet #wireless #telecoms #communications #gigabit

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