Network services provider BT Wholesale has confirmed to ISPreview that they’ve taken the decision to “retire” their long-running BroadBand Performance Test (speed tester), which is a change that was formally introduced at the start of this month. But BT has yet to post a notice about this on the service page, which may cause some confusion for those trying to run a test.
The tester itself was more intended for BTW’s ISP customers to use as part of their customer connectivity diagnostics, although it was also accessible to end users. But today the online world seems to be chocked full of free connection speed tests and very few now use the service provided by BTW.
A spokesperson for the operator confirmed to ISPreview that “limited usage” of the Broadband Performance Tester and the “availability of numerous free alternatives” was the reason behind their “decision to retire the platform earlier this month.” The change has already been communication to ISPs, although for some reason BTW has yet put a note about it on the tester itself.